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Hougang Japanese Language School

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Textbook for Elementary 1

We used to use 'NIHONGO NO KISO (Lesson 1 to 10)' to teach our Elementary 1 course.

Although this textbook is quite good for beginners who learn the Japanese language from zero basics, it still has some difficulties for students to learn and for teachers to teach the language.

So, we decided to make our own textbook so that we can teach and learn the language more comfortably. You can take a look at our 'Elementary Japanese' textbook below. (We intruduce until Lesson 2 out of Lesson 10 here.)

+ 'Elementary Japanese' textbook (until Lesson 2 / PDF 23MB)

+ We flip through our 'Elementary Japanese' textbook here. (mov / 50MB)

+ 'Elementary Japanese' textbook / Japanese Version (until Lesson 2 / PDF 2MB)

+ 'Elementary Japanese' textbook / Worksheet (Lesson 1 and 2 / PDF 1MB)

Through our textbook, you can acquire the basic knowledge of the Japanese language in a step-by-step and easy-to-memorize manner.

Upon completion of our 'Elementary Japanese' textbook, you can start to study from Lesson 11 of any of 'NIHONGO NO KISO', 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' and 'MINNA NO NIHONGO' (These three textbooks are the most popular among Japanese learners.) or you also can study any other textbooks after skipping the first few lessons.

Textbooks for Elementary 2 to Advance 1

We use 'NIHONGO NO KISO' (Previous Version of 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO') to teach the Japanese language from Elementary 2 to Advance 1.

In fact, you can study any of 'NIHONGO NO KISO', 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' and 'MINNA NO NIHONGO' for Elementary 2 and above since you have the basic knowledge of the Japanese language through our 'Elementary Japanese' textbook.

However, we chose 'NIHONGO NO KISO'. The reason why we chose 'NIHONGO NO KISO' rather than other textbooks is as follows:

'NIHONGO NO KISO' is the previous version of 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' and we do not see much difference between these two textbooks. (The latter one definitely looks nicer, but the contents are almost the same.)

We have been using 'NIHONGO NO KISO' since we started our school in 1983 and have been creating many additional teaching and learning materials for this textbook, so we can cover new items which do not appear in 'NIHONGO NO KISO', but appear in 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' by using our own materials.

Thus, we do not see the point in changing our choice of 'NIHONGO NO KISO' to 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' as teachers are comfortable and used to teaching with it.

While 'NIHONGO NO KISO' and 'SHIN NIHONGO NO KISO' are more suitable for the people who intend to work in Japan, 'MINNA NO NIHONGO' is suitable for the people who want to lead an ordinary life in Japan. And in terms of grammar, we learn almost the same things from these textbooks.

Again, we can study what you learn in 'MINNA NO NIHONGO' through 'NIHONGO NO KISO' and our countless materials, so we do not see the point in changing our choice of textbook 'NIHONGO NO KISO' to 'MINNA NO NIHONGO' as after using for over 3 decades and teaching tens of thousands of students, it is proven unnecessary.

For more details of textbooks, please go to Amazon.com and read the customer reviews.

Textbooks for JLPT Preparatory Classes

We let you know the materilas (textbooks, Notes, etc.) to teach JLPT Preparatory Classes at our school.
Notice that some teachers may use the different textbooks from the ones which we introduce below.
For more detailes, please call us at 62827590 (Hougang School) or 62738434 (Alexandra School) and ask our receptionist.


1. 完全マスター3級 日本語能力試験文法問題対策 (Complete master series)
In this textbook, '3級' means N4 level since this book was published before the revised JLPT.
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

2. 日本語能力試験 公式問題集 N4
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.


1. 日本語総まとめ N3 文法 (「日本語能力試験」対策)
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

2. 日本語総まとめ N3 語彙 (「日本語能力試験」対策)
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

3. 日本語能力試験 公式問題集 N3
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.


1. 完全マスター2級 日本語能力試験文法問題対策
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

2. 新完全マスター語彙 日本語能力試験N2
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

3. 日本語能力試験 公式問題集 N2
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.


1. 完全マスター1級 日本語能力試験文法問題対策
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

2. 新完全マスター語彙 日本語能力試験N1
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

3. 日本語能力試験 公式問題集 N1
We offer the English tranlation and the explanatory material of this textbook.

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